Most of the information within the virtual pages of my site have been channeled by me.  Thus, some of the information is proprietary and is exclusive to my site.  You won't find it anywhere else because it's mine.  

Types of Meditation, as Channeled by Liz  Fey

Intimate Meditation:  Most of us have some experience with what I have dubbed "Intimate Meditation".  This is simply meditation with an attachment to the outcome or the results.  Prayer, desire, wanting...these are forms of Intimate Meditation.  While it can be sustaining in some ways, giving you a focus, it can also be limiting.  With an attachment to the results we cannot allow the Universe to do what it does so well, which is to orchestrate the events to bring about the best results for the highest good. 

Agenda Meditation:  This is purposeful programming of the thoughts of the mind.  "Agenda Meditation" is used to image or visualize a new house, car, career, financial success, etc.  It is also used to increase relaxation.  This type of meditation is very focused and and is limited to the realization of only one or two set goals or desires at a time.  It's somewhat like a quick fix approach.  Valuable for some things, but limiting in others.

Portal Meditation:  This is the type of meditation that can produce the greatest benefits throughout all areas of one's life.  The person begins the meditation without attachment to the results.  This allows the awareness to go where it needs to go and to experience what it needs to experience.

Intimate Agenda Portal Meditation:  This is a combination of the best aspects of each type of meditation technique described above.  It is intimate in that you can choose a prayer or an ideal experience as a beginning focus.  There is an Agenda, in that there is a specific desire.  It is Portal in that you will choose to allow your awareness to go where it needs to go in order to bring about the changes desired for the our own highest good.

types of meditation, meditating, meditation

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